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Ever wonder what happens to our used textbooks? Every year, Wessex Press donates dozens of business, marketing, and organizational behavior titles to Books For Africa, the largest shipper of donated books to the African continent.
“Over the years, Wessex has donated close to nearly 1,500 textbooks to Books For Africa,” said Alisa Matlovsky, Production Manager. “These texts are no more than three years old and still very relevant in terms of their content and application. Books For Africa’s mission is to end the book famine in Africa and we are proud to contribute to this effort and play a role in furthering the cause of education among African students.”
Since 1988, Books For Africa has shipped more than 47 million books to all 55 countries on the African continent. Last year alone, Books For Africa shipped 3.3 million books, and 155 computers and e-readers containing over 400,000 digital books, to 29 African countries. More than $2.7 million was raised last year to ship these books to the students of Africa.
If you would like to learn more about Books For Africa and its mission, click here.