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Managing Marketing in the 21st Century (5th Edition)

Managing Marketing in the 21st Century (5th Edition)

$ 279.70 USD

Managing Marketing in the 21st Century (5th Edition) is a significant upgrade from prior editions, breaking ground with genuinely new ideas. This book is about understanding how to develop and implement market strategy and manage the marketing process. It is not a comprehensive account of everything about marketing; rather, it focuses on what prospective managers need to know.

Thus, Managing Marketing in the 21st Century differs from other senior undergraduate and introductory graduate-level marketing texts. The authors take positions on what they believe are better or worse courses of action for marketers. Marketing is an applied field, and textbook writers should provide guidance for good marketing practice. This book focuses on the manager, not just the marketer.

For readers committed to a career in marketing, Managing Marketing in the 21st Century provides a solid foundation for further, deeper study. However, the vast majority of readers will not work in marketing departments. Instead, they will become senior executives, general managers, CFOs, and CEOs. This book is written for them as well, as an understanding of marketing is central to nearly every important managerial decision.

For many, this may be the only marketing course they take. In this sense, the book provides essential knowledge for general managers and senior executives. Marketing lies at the core of leading and managing a business, providing the focus for interfacing with customers and forming firm-customer exchange relationships. Marketing also offers insights into market entities such as supply chains, competitors, complementors, and external forces impacting industries.

Managing Marketing in the 21st Century includes introductory chapter cases, numerous examples, Internet links to additional material, video/audio interviews, key ideas, and ways to gauge progress: marketing questions, multiple-choice and true/false questions, and answers.

Noel Capon

In his role as Chair of Wessex Press, Noel Capon brings a unique perspective as an experienced Marketing educator, researcher, author and professional, originally trained as a research chemist.

“I knew when I completed my doctorate in Chemistry that I didn’t want to be a ‘bench’ chemist.” By that time, Professor Capon was very interested in Marketing and began his career working in Marketing for Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in his native Britain.

Professor Capon has been a leader in Marketing ever since, applying an analytical approach to solving business problems.

That’s what led him to launch Wessex Press, Inc. (formerly Axcess Capon) almost 20 years ago.

“I knew there had to be a better way to provide high-quality textbooks, globally, at a more affordable price.”

Professor Capon previously served two terms as elected chair of the Marketing Division at Columbia Business School. He held faculty positions at UCLA (where he also was Marketing Chair) and Harvard Business School before joining Columbia in 1979. 

Professor Capon teaches Marketing Strategy, and Sales and Strategic Account Management courses to MBA and EMBA students. He also has taught at many educational institutions as a visiting professor, including INSEAD (France), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai, PRC. Professor Capon is Honorary Dean, Marketing and Innovation College, Beijing, PRC.

In addition, Professor Capon contributes to Columbia Business School’s Executive Education program and has designed, directed and taught in a variety of Marketing, Sales Management, and Strategic and Global Account Management programs. He also has developed and directed customized programs for major corporations globally. Professor Capon co-founded The Chief Sales Executive Forum (2001), and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Strategic Account Management Association (SAMA).

Professor Capon has authored or co-authored more than 40 Marketing and Account Management books, including many international editions. Some books of note:

  • Key Account Management and Planning, Free Press/Simon and Schuster, 2001. This was the first major book on key (strategic) account management and is known as “the bible” of key account management.

  • Managing Global Accounts, Wessex Press, 2005. This is the only book to date that addresses the growing field of managing global customers.

  • Managing Marketing in the 21st Century (4th edition, Wessex Press, 2016), Capon’s Marketing Framework (4th edition, Wessex Press, 2017) and Capon’s Marketing Essentials (Wessex Press, 2017), in various editions, offer a new and powerful way of approaching the Marketing discipline.

He earned his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry from University College, London University; Dip. B.A. from Manchester Business School; MBA from Harvard Business School; and Ph.D. in Marketing from Columbia Business School. 

Format ISBN List Price Wessex Website Price
Hardcover 979-8-9870212-9-3 $ 279.70 USD $ 279.70 USD
Softcover 979-8-9870212-5-5 $ 199.70 USD $ 179.70 USD
E-Book 979-8-9896021-1-7 N/A $ 79.70 USD

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