Disruption: A salesforce braves the storm
Disruption is unique — a work of sales fiction. Set against the recent pandemic, this fictional narrative centers around two main characters at one sales organization. Following the story of first year rep., Grace Devlin, readers reflect on and consider application of concepts pertaining to prospecting, building customer relationships, using sales technology, identifying customer needs, negotiating, overcoming objections, closing, following up, after-sale service, and proactive and reactive account management, as well as many others. Readers also encounter Grace's manager, Connor Botti, and understand his perspective as he makes decisions related to territory management, recruiting, compensation, oversight and empowerment, motivation, sales performance, evaluation, interdepartmental relationships, and effective leadership, among others. Disruption is designed to be used in either sales or sales management courses, giving instructors maximum flexibility.
Ronald L. Jelinek
Ronald L. Jelinek, PhD., is a Professor of Marketing at Providence College. His research focuses on business-to-business selling and he has been published in numerous journals. These include Business Horizons, where he also serves on the editorial review board, as well as Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, and Industrial Marketing Management. In addition to his scholarly writing, Dr. Jelinek is a contributing author for several Catholic publication where he writes about the intersection of faith and business. He lives in Rhode Island with his family.
HARD COVER: 978-1-7375287-4-6
SOFT COVER: 978-1-7375287-5-3
EBOOK: 978-1-7377664-3-8