Wessex Learning book content has been accepted into Scopus

Wessex Learning book content has been accepted into Scopus

Scopus, the global indexing service of Elsevier, has accepted Wessex Learning as a book content partner for its abstract and citation database. For such purpose, we recently signed an agreement.

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database, curated by independent subject matter experts. Scopus  includes more than 81 million records, 24,600 titles (e.g. peer-reviewed journals), 257,000 books, covering content from 7,000 publishers. Scopus indexes content that is vetted rigorously and selected by an independent review board of experts in their fields.

Wessex was accepted after being evaluated by Scopus experts who determined the portfolio of books meets stringent Scopus selection criteria, including quality of the content, size and subject area of the portfolio, and reputation and impact of the publisher.   

Wessex Learning Chair Noel Capon added: “We’re honored to be included in this highly respected abstracting database and look forward to a productive partnership.”

Each book that Scopus indexes must meet the selection criteria. Wessex books deemed in scope will be covered in Scopus.

For more information on Scopus, click here:  https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus

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