Capon Addresses South African Executives on Marketing Trends in Wholesaling and Retailing

Capon Addresses South African Executives on Marketing Trends in Wholesaling and Retailing

Wessex Press Chair, Prof. Noel Capon, spoke recently to a delegation of South African retail executives about marketing and the direction of retailing and wholesaling in the 21st century.

Capon’s address was arranged by the University of Johannesburg and the International Leadership Development Programme (ILDP) of the Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority, a South African government agency. The week-long event, which hosted executives from more than 20 South African companies, was designed to serve as an active learning opportunity for participants.

The event included an academic and, most importantly, a practical applied learning component and is designed so that participants can identify synergies, explore best practices, and experience the wholesale and retail sectors within the U.S.

“The focus was on the South African economy and I shared my view on marketing and how that applies to wholesaling and retailing in the 21st century,” Capon said. “It was really designed to help them understand what was going on in other countries and to help them improve wholesale and retailing opportunities in South Africa.”

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